Workday 10th December 2020
Good evening all. We bring Nearly-Christmas tidings from Strawberry Hill, written by Buckie, our Senior Spanner Monkey, Depot Lunatic and Tea Disposal System. We would like to apologise in advance for the crimes about to be committed against the English Language. "Well here we are again at rather warm and cosy Strawberry Bill. (Yes, the B is correct. That's what fitters at Wimbo used to call Strawberry. Why? I don't know. The explanation is lost in the mists of time. The same is true at Staines. The sidings were referred to as 'Staines in the Pants' and the Waterloo and City as 'The Drain'. I digress! Today was the day we started on the heating fault, from now on to be known as "The £$%^&$ bleeding £$%$%£$ pain in the £$£%$%$ ass heating…