Crowdfunding Success

This is just a small note to thank you all for your astonishing support in response to our crowd funding appeal for 3417. All of 3417’s minions are absolutely blown away by your reaction and your generosity. We saw donations from £3 to £2,000, we saw interest from across the rail enthusiast spectrum, we saw interest from the UK to as far away as Japan and we are deeply deeply humbled by the faith you’ve shown in us and delighted by your support for our ambitions.

You raised (yes – you) £12,595.76.

We are now waiting for the final deposit to be sent to our account so that we can begin to allocate funds to the most pressing areas. We are already having a few conversations regarding locations that might be achievable next year, but more of that when we have achieved a full year of work on the Old Girl. Our senior spanner monkey is currently on holiday in Spain, but on his return in a fortnight we will be updating you on how we are going to allocate your donations.

So, until the next update, once again, thank you all very very much.
Us Minions aren’t normally lost for words. This, though, has pretty much knocked us off our feet.

Thanks, everyone.

The Minions